¿Quien habrá sido el sobrado de tiempo que quiso hacer esta genial pieza de Dream TheateR?
90 min de Dream Theater haciendo un repaso por aquellos temas que nos vuelan la mente cuando los escuchamos . Descarguenlo se los recomiendo 100%. By Madrows
Tracklist del Stream of Instrumentals:
The Glass Prison (Intro) [00:00-02:56]
This Dying Soul [02:56-04:59]
Beyond This Life Solo 1 [04:59-07:39 ]
Beyond This Life (Budokan) [07:39-15:53]
Beyond This Life Solo 2 [15:53-17:03]
The Dance of Eternity [17:03-23:16]
Home (Intro) [23:17-25:16]
Finally Free [25:17-27:01 ]
Home (Outro) [27:01-27:57 ]
Endless Sacrifice (Solo) [27:57-30:20]
Honor Thy Father (Intro) [30:20-31:46]
New Millenium [31:47-33:24]
As I Am (Intro) [33:24-34:32]
Honor Thy Father (Outro) [34:32-35:14]
The Glass Prison (Solo) [35:14-38:06]
Acid Rain by Liquid Tension Experiment [38:06-44:14]
Metropolis Pt. 1:The Miracle & the Sleeper (Intro) [44:15-45:25]
Overture 1928 (First half) [45:25-46:13]
Scarred [46:13-47:54]
Metropolis Part 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper (Solo) [47:54-51:10]
Overture 1928 (Second half) [51:10-53:31]
Strange Deja Vu [for 5 seconds]
In The Name of God [53:36-56:24]
Stream of Consciousness (First Half) [56:24-61:37]
Endless Sacrifice (Outro) [61:37-62:51]
Fatal Tragedy [62:52-65:03]
Blind Faith [65:04-68:10]
The Ytse Jam [68:10-73:50]
Stream of Consciousness(Second Half) [73:50-79:00]
A Change of Seasons [79:01-83:26]
As I Am (Solo) [83:26-84:24]
The Root of All Evil [84:24-85:31]
These Walls [85:31-86:03]
Octavarium (Outro) [86:03-89:59]
Bajar Completo Aquí
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